Візитна картка

Приємно познайомитись! 
     Ганна Семенівна,
 учитель англійської мови
 НВК "Голованівська загальноосвітня школа
 І-ІІІ ступенів ім. Т.Г.Шевченка-гімназія",
 спеціаліст вищої кваліфікаційної категорії


Голованівський район,
Кіровоградська область, 

Педагогічне кредо:
              "Навчати з любов'ю, з душею, з терпінням.
                Докласти зусилля, докласти уміння,
                бажання та старання.  І все - залюбки!"

          I am Spuskanyuk Hanna Semenivna. I was born in the picturesque village of Mezhyrichka Holovanivsk District, Kirovohrad Region. My childhood and school years flashed there too. I hurried to the first form with a new bag and a large bouquet of flowers with joy and anticipation of  something new and unknown. And child’s intuition did not fail, because school has become for me not only the temple of science, but also the second home. Even then, being a pupil, I realized that I would associate my own destiny with it. My good, dear, experienced teachers helped me make the right choice, gave a start in life.
     Time rushes relentlessly forward like a fast train towards mysterious distance. The dream of my life has come true. I am a teacher! And I am proud of it! Today I can say with confidence that I am not mistaken having chosen the profession of a teacher, particularly the teacher of English. Indeed, in the time of modern technology and international integration every young person should know English and have a good command of it in order to have access to the world economic, social, educational and cultural opportunities. No wonder, that the year 2016 is declared in Ukraine the year of English language with a purpose to popularize English as a language of international communication and have opportunities to become acquainted with world opinion without mediation of translations.
     What gives me inspiration to go to work happily every day? Perhaps it is still a spark of hope and confidence in the eyes of students which I notice every time communicating with them. This year my students are school-leavers. We were growing up together: I as a teacher, they as personalities. We shared joy and sorrow, success and failure, avoiding hypocrisy in our relationships. Children faultlessly feel love to them, ability to be listened to and opportunity to get help.
     When I come home after intense but interesting working day, my family waits for me. They are my wise and kind Mum whom I am enormously grateful for raising, bringing me up, and helping to get the best profession and my lovely daughter who needs not only help with lessons but also to listen to all her secrets. Karynka is my dear assistant, my Sun, my future and hope. I love my family! Living close by them gives me feeling of happiness, comfort and benefits of my existence, peace of mind.
      My hobby is growing flowers. I can spend hours loosening soil, making intricate patterns in the flower garden, watering and replanting tender sprouts. After all this they flourish in blossom, thus bringing great pleasure and comfort. Born in spring, I adore this time of year when everything wakes up from winter sleep, alives, breathes. Perhaps, therefore I like green colour because it is the colour of life. As for people, I consider the most valuable features are inner culture, desire for self-education, erudition, delicate humour, reasonableness, refined simplicity and kindness. But most of all I appreciate honesty and mutual respect. That is why I myself try to live decently, with dignity, work hard achieving new goals.
     I love my country and look forward with optimism. I believe that Ukraine will prosper in future. Sure, my daughter and my pupils will live in a successful and happy state!         

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